Our Bluegrass is easy to love and thousands of images exist displaying her splendor. Many of these images are widely-available as stock photos across the web. And yet- we avoid stock photography on our website. Each farm or home pictured here has been sold by a Kirkpatrick & Co. Associate.
Here’s why:
Ample Imagery
Our bespoke property marketing provides an immense catalog of images for our use. We partner with the best visual storytellers to capture our beloved Bluegrass in all her glory. Stock photography isn’t needed with a portfolio this beautiful.
Our expertise informs our storytelling. We know the power of a photo and are precise in the stories we tell. Using a photo of a prairie trail riding scene on our website would do our Bluegrass clients a disservice.
There’s a reason why we’ve remained steadfastly independent. “Fit” is imperative and showcasing our genuine character is the fastest route to get there.
As your farm broker, you can expect fine visual storytelling- the kind that honors your investment in the Bluegrass.